We have received enthusiastic feedback from many customers on the positive changes in their lives (and their local communities or even countries) when they started using the group warfare prayer suggested by Marius D’Alexandre. For matters of personal healing, he has now provided us with a supplementary prayer which is designed to address undetected spiritual causes of disease and health affliction which cannot be shifted by medical, naturopathic or dietary interventions.

When demonic forces have a degree of possession within a person, the attempts to cast them out will manifest with the wild events recounted by exorcists – levitation, screaming, non-human voices, superhuman strength, great resistance etc. But malefic spiritual forces can also gain minor anchoring points within the physical and subtle anatomy through life traumas, personal sins, or generational curses and miasmic taints. They can use these anchoring points to cause various afflictions within the mind, body or spirit. If you focus on a single affliction or vulnerability within the body or mind, they can be ejected and the symptoms are as described by the deliverance ministers – ie often the command will produce a churning, tightening or spasming sensation in the stomach followed by the entity leaving through the mouth, sometimes by a cough, yawn or in more serious cases by vomiting. Afflictions in the eyes may leave through the eyes. Afflictions of the ears may leave through the ears. The same may apply to other orifices. The command must be given out loud and, like most exorcisms, a single repetition will not be enough – it must be repeated many times until there is no more sense of ejection. This process will work once the personal version of the group warfare prayer has been used quite a few times so as to produce a strong faith and spiritual alignment. The command is as follows:

1. In the name and by the authority of Jesus Christ, through the power of his blood and the intercession of his warrior angels with holy fire, I bind all demons and unclean spirits of [INSERT TARGET, eg asthma, digestive problems, insomnia etc] and command them to come out of me now!

2. In the name and by the authority of Jesus Christ, through the power of his blood and the intercession of his warrior angels with holy fire, I bind all strongmen and gatekeepers supporting and protecting the demons and unclean spirits of [INSERT TARGET, eg asthma, digestive problems, insomnia etc], and command them in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of me now!

3.  In the name and by the authority of Jesus Christ and with the intercession of his angels, I loose and free myself now on Earth and in Heaven from all afflictions of [TARGET] at the level of body, mind, spirit, soul, DNA template, cellular memory and auric field.


4. In the name of Jesus Christ, I cast out all demons and unclean spirits of [TARGET] and send them to the foot of the cross of Christ to be held captive and defeated by the Blood of the Lamb. Through the enforcement of the warrior angels of Jesus Christ with holy fire, I forbid these demons and unclean spirits, their hierarchies within the legions of the princes of hell,  their earthly minions, agents or organisations, and their spells, curses, hexes, vexes, malefic thought form and energy projections, incantations, rituals, and black magic operations from remanifesting in any form within any part of my life hologram or those of my family members.

5. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray that my body, mind, spirit, soul, DNA template, and auric field be cleansed in the blood of Jesus. I pray that all voids, doorways and access points occupied by demons and unclean spirits be filled with the light of the Holy Spirit. I pray that the angels of Jesus Christ purge and transmute all vestiges and anchoring points of demons and unclean spirits with the Holy Fire of God.

In Jesus’ name I pray.


If you attempt this for a particular target issue and feel no reaction, then it is likely to be of organic origin and should be remedied accordingly. However, if you have recurrent and intractable issues in life that do not seem to shift and if, when you attempt this prayer, you feel a physical reaction in the body, then it indicates a spiritual component or cause at work. The prayer should then be used frequently until such time as the commands no longer seem to produce any reaction.

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