Be still and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen,
I will be exalted in the earth

Psalm 46:10

            In April, 2022, the chiropractor, Bryan Ardis, proclaimed to the world that he had discovered the true aetiology of Covid-19. Gaining saturation coverage across the alternative media platforms, he presented an hypothesis that venom peptides introduced into the municipal water supplies were responsible for the wide range of symptoms associated with the disease. He stressed that these peptides targeted not the ACE-2 receptors upon which the mainstream medical profession had converged, but rather the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors - particularly those within the brainstem and spinal cord which control respiratory function. This, he reasoned, explained the counter-intuitive observation that smokers appeared to be protected from the "virus". The nicotine from their cigarettes was blocking the nicotine receptors, thereby preventing the venom peptides from docking to cells. Similarly, it was reported that nicotine gum and/or patches would resolve Covid-19 symptoms through the same mechanism.

            It is not my purpose here to revisit or expand upon my review of Ardis' water-borne venom hypothesis, as detailed in my article, Covid  Vectors, Snake Venom and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (April, 2022). Ardis may well have identified certain pieces of the puzzle. But he remains curiously silent on the critical subject of EMFs and their interface with the graphene and nano-technology components which microscopists and laboratory analysts around the world have demonstrated to be present within all Covid vaccine samples. In a recent interview, he was shown high resolution footage of a liquid nicotine/tobacco extract destroying the nano-technology artefacts within a dental anaesthetic. He studiously ignored the obvious implications. Rather than contemplating the deleterious effects of self-assembling nano-technologies within the human body or the evidence that nicotine may operate by degrading or disassembling them, he appeared to regard any application of nicotine as a validation of his own hypothesis, and then sought to steer the conversation in other directions.

            A few days after the nicotine footage began to circulate within alternative medical research communities, the Fabian Society and World Economic Forum saboteurs who now dominate the British government announced plans to ban smoking outdoors. As discussed in my book, Not Dark Yet: The Metaphysics of the End Times, organic tobacco hampers to some degree the objectives of those who seek to impose the New World Order. Yet they are happy to promote vaping and the use of nicotine gum or patches. During the Covid "pandemic", many of the dissenting medical professionals (particularly those with the greatest alternative media presence) recommended the therapeutic or prophylactic value of ivermectin. According to recent disclosures by Dr Mike Yeadon, this drug was known to be a potent fertility toxin. Thus, he believes, it was promoted (or allowed to be promoted by "controlled opposition") so as catch by other means those who might reject mainstream medical advice and treatment.  In the same vein, we may wonder whether the nicotine products now recommended for the same purposes could be laced with nano-technologies and/or graphene materials. Independent microscopists might care to investigate.

            It must be noted that Bryan Ardis still enjoys prominence as a "medical truth" communicator. His "Watch the Water" documentary is still available on Amazon Music and Twitter/X. This is not the typical response we observe when sensitive information is exposed to the detriment of the globalist architects and their demonic handlers. To take a few examples, Dr Andreas Noak, a German carbon chemist and world expert on graphene applications, stated that the raman spectroscopy analysis of Covid vaccines proved beyond any doubt that they contained molecular sheets of graphene hydroxide. These, he said, would function as micro razor blades, slicing epithelial tissues and thereby initiating a range of pathologies. During a live presentation from his home, German riot police arrested him. He was dead within a week.

            Dr Rashid Buttar revealed that military contacts had informed him that the Covid vaccines contained specific pathogen payloads, which could be released by a 5G signal. He was poisoned. Randall Baer, a manufacturer of sophisticated New Age crystal technologies, discovered during an out of body experience that demons were behind the energies of "light and love" which his contraptions produced. He was saved from death in the astral plane by Jesus and then informed all his followers about the fundamental truth of Christianity. Ostracised by the New Age community, he then wrote "Inside the New Age Nightmare." He too met with an untimely end. As did Russ Dizdar. As did Jim Keith, after writing about biowarfare and mind control. The list goes on.

            Winston Churchill once remarked, "In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies." And so, beneath the misdirections of "Watch the Water", a deeper truth may be uncovered. For it seems that something is, indeed, being added to the municipal water supplies. Rather than snake or cone snail venom peptides, the malefic agent appears to be a type of hyperdimensional or subtle energetic toxin.

            In the late 1990s, it was reported within certain advanced metaphysics groups that the shadow world government had developed plans to launch a global system of electromagnetic mind control, a means by which to regulate the behavioural patterns and cognitive/perceptual faculties of the masses. To this end, scalar frequency pulses would be transmitted from underground bases, through the HAARP arrays, through the planetary grid networks, through television screens, and through the mains electrical supplies. At the present time, phone towers, mobile phones, smart meters, wi-fi hubs, and LED lights serve the same purpose. But the dark controllers had identified a problem. The bio-spiritual composite of the human body exhibits a type of energetic immune response when exposed to discordant vibrational signals. In order to deactivate or override this immune response, a covert hyperdimensional disruptor would need to be added to the municipal water supplies.

            A distinct feature of the testimonies offered by the former witchdoctors, voodoo priests and high level black magicians of the African continent is their reference to astral cities under the sea. Taken to these locations for training and initiation, they witnessed demons preparing a range of technologies and deceptive inventions to be seeded into human cultures. We might suggest that the water additive (and the refractory artefacts within the Covid vaccines) bear the chthonic fingerprints of these infernal scientists. This suspicion emerged from a series of bioresonance discoveries.

            Prompted by the claims that independent researchers had found nano-technologies within many foods and liquids, I conducted subtle energy tests on water samples in order to evaluate suitable methods by which to purify and energise them. Through bioresonance testing, I then studied the capacity of these waters to harmonise the fundamental frequency oscillations of cells, organs and tissues. To avoid the variable energetic effects of contaminants and dissolved solids, the tests were performed using distilled water. I did not intend to study tap water, as the presence of chlorine, fluoride, pharmaceutical residues, and heavy metals has long been considered injurious to health.

            Having obtained satisfactory results with a particular charging method, a friend asked me to compare the charged sample with regular tap water. Placing a tube of tap water within the bioresonance circuit, I found that it created blockages in the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh chakra centres (and therefore impeded the transduction of organic scalar waves from the corresponding dimensional frequency bands). It created multiple blockages in the pineal gland. It produced all the frequency blockages associated with EMFs and geopathic stress. This could not be an accident. The subtle energetic disturbances are too comprehensive and too precise. They appear to be perfectly calibrated to limit human consciousness, physiological resilience and spiritual capacity.

            The plans reported to metaphysics groups in the 1990s detailed the intention not only to create a perceptual blindness in the masses, but also to insert artificial holographic experiences into the scalar wave fabric which underpins their reality. In this context, it is interesting to speculate as to whether there might be a correlation between those who habitually drink tap water and those who were unable to see through the blatant lies and inconsistencies of the Covid "pandemic", those who were terrified by the lethal SAR-Cov-2 virus and the media reports of hospitals overflowing with dead bodies, while the total mortality figures were unchanged (or slightly lower than normal) and citizen journalists filmed empty hospitals. Similarly, we may speculate as to whether perceptual blinding and holographic inserts may soon be employed in order to create the illusion of a mass UFO event.

            Assuming the hypothetical water additive or treatment to be demonic in origin, and recalling the Gene Decode experiment, wherein prayer was observed to dissolve black nano-technology discs within a health supplement, I then investigated whether spiritual methods could neutralise the toxic effects.

            Having confirmed the typical energetic disturbances radiating from a tube of tap water, I attached a Hebrew verse from Isaiah 54:17, "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper." The Hebrew script was chosen because, like Chinese and Sanskrit, it produces a scalar wave vibration which corresponds to its meaning. Indeed, it is for this reason that certain schools of medical radiesthesia make therapeutic use Hebrew pendulums.

            Retesting the water sample in the bioresonance circuit, all of the blockages were cleared. The same result was obtained when repeating the experiment with a verse from Exodus 23:25, "And you shall serve YHWH and he will bless thy bread and thy water and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee." The English wording was also effective (though perhaps less powerful), but not when the inaccurate substitution "LORD" was used in place of "YHWH". For the purposes of clearing and charging your drinking water, the following Bible verses are recommended: Exodus 15:26, Exodus 23:25, Jeremiah 33:6, and Isaiah 54:17. These verses operate in a similar manner when attached to water inlet pipes. To heal and/or protect the body from nano-technology, mRNA vaccines,  vaccine "shedding", chemtrails, EMFs, psychotronic pulsing, or other forms of bioweapon exposure, it would be advisable to drink large quantities of purified water charged with the declaration of Isaiah 54:17.

For I am YHWH: I will speak, and the word that I speak shall come to pass.

Ezekiel 12:25

Is not my word like as a fire? saith YHWH;
and like a hammer that breaketh the rod in pieces?

Jeremiah 23:29

            Although I have not tested a wide range of brands, I have not found the hyperdimensional toxin to be present in bottled waters. Nevertheless, given the likely presence of other contaminants, including micro plastics, the optimal precaution would be to purify bottled water through a Berkey filter before charging it. Better still might be to distil the water after filtration.

            I then tested the effects of spoken prayer. The format of the prayer was: "I plead the blood of Jesus Christ over this water sample to bless, purify, cleanse, and perfect it in Jesus' Name. To remove all toxins, contaminants, nano-technologies, negative spiritual entities and vibrations. To raise it to its highest power, purity and potency for the healing of mind, body, spirit, and soul. In Jesus' Name." Once again, the hyperdimensional, spiritual or demonic component was destroyed. The sample no longer produced energetic blockages. The same process may be used to clear bath water. If the hands are held over the water while reciting the prayer, those with energetic sensitivity may feel a spiritual force flowing through the palms.

            Charging a tap water sample with a 4 inch Light Tower by Essential Energy was able to clear all of the EMF and geopathic stress blockages, but it was unable to clear the hyperdimensional or spiritual component which acts upon the chakra centres and pineal gland. Similarly, charging a tap water sample on a 7.5 cm tachyonised silica disc by Advanced Tachyon Technologies was able to clear some (though not all) of the EMF and geopathic stress blockages, but not those affecting the chakra centres and pineal gland. This is not to disparage either manufacturer, but rather to emphasise the sophistication of this preternatural toxin.

            In order to combat weaponry of demonic origin, we must rely upon the supervenient power of the God of the Bible, and the blood of Jesus Christ. Ironically, the demons themselves and their earthly "chosen ones" have a greater appreciation of this fact than many Christians. They know that sincere and confident prayer will authorise decisive spiritual interventions by the Most High. These interventions occur primarily within the dimensional planes which cannot be decoded by our  normal (or untrained) sensory apparatus. Thus, the dark forces gain much ground through the ignorance and uncertainty of the prayer warrior.

            In this context, the testimony of former African witchdoctor, Emmanuel Eni, bears repetition. It was cited my article, Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse (January, 2022). Providing valuable insight into the hidden realities of spiritual warfare, he affirms: "When a Christian stands on the authority given him by Christ and gives a command in Jesus' name, fire pours out of his mouth and any demon controlling the circumstances must obey."

            A variation on this theme was offered by Karl Falken, who had a near-death experience after a furnace he was operating exploded. Standing in his perfectly functioning spirit body and looking down at his physical corpse, he sensed that something very evil was approaching. Turning around, he witnessed two demons walk through the wall of his house. Carrying manacles, they informed him that they were there to take him to hell. Falken objected that he was a Christian. The demons laughed at this and, detailing a litany of minor sins and imperfections throughout his life, asserted their rights over his soul. At this point, the words of an influential preacher came to Falken's mind, "Karl, if you ever meet a demon, rebuke it in the Name of Jesus Christ." Falken recounts, "I was ready to try anything . . .  So I said to the demons, I rebuke you in the Name of Jesus Christ. And it was like a wrecking ball hit them. They were just flung right out of the room and they were gone."

            In our secular and materialistic age, we are inclined to view such reports with scepticism, we are inclined to doubt the primacy of spiritual mechanics behind earthly events. It is hoped that the experiments described herein might engender a renewed confidence and faith in those who take up the weapons of spiritual warfare.

For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God
to the pulling down of strong holds.

2 Corinthians 10:4

© Marius D'Alexandre, September, 2024

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