And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Revelation 6:8

       We live in perilous times. Those with eyes to see can discern the alternating phases of camouflage and naked malice with which the governments of every nation seek to birth the New Wold Order. In lockstep, they propose digital identification schemes, biometric data harvesting, central bank digital currencies, restrictions on travel, the control and censorship of social media commentary, the global coordination of "pandemic" responses, and a range of measures designed to crumble the very foundations of food and energy security. In lockstep, they indoctrinate children with lies and perversions, they target and oppress the elderly, they destroy small and medium sized businesses, they impose taxes and regulations to impoverish the middle classes. Ultimately, they seek to create a populace of serfs wholly dependent upon the state for their income and sustenance, a rabble of "useless eaters" confined to their 15 minute city cages.

       To attain their dystopian vision, the global "elite" have long recognised (indeed, they have documented in writing) the need to destroy the nation state. Thus, they have orchestrated waves of mass migration in order to erode any sense of cultural, linguistic or historical cohesion, any sense of national identity, which might engender resistance to a one world government. The migrant populations comprising these waves have typically fallen within the various classes of refugees, asylum seekers and economic opportunists. 

       But, in recent years (and most conspicuously since the globalists launched their overt attack upon the human race during the Covid "pandemic"), a new pattern has emerged. Large numbers of single young men have arrived in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and many countries of the European Union, carrying mobile phones, backpacks and little or no identification. They are then promptly relocated by government authorities to houses, high quality hotels or other state-funded facilities, whereupon security guards are posted at the doors to prevent any scrutiny or access.

       The heroic United Kingdom MP, Andrew Bridgen, attempted to enter one of these migrant facilities in his North West Leicestershire constituency, but was refused entry by what he perceived to be military personnel. A United States senator was informed that an upstairs room with no security cameras in Denver airport was housing large numbers of migrants, pending their relocation to various cities. He too was refused access and then forcefully evicted by military personnel. Many others have recounted similar experiences.

       The explanation is unsettling, yet straightforward. The men occupying hotels and other facilities at great cost to the United Kingdom taxpayer are not "migrants" of any sort. They are soldiers. Their movements are being coordinated by treasonous governments who intend to impose the New World Order at gunpoint. Recognising that police and military forces might refuse to enforce an illegal tyranny on their fellow citizens, they have positioned foreign military personnel who will act without qualm or hesitation.

       One source revealed that contacts within Scotland's Black Watch regiment had informed him that many of the "migrants" were, in fact,  NATO soldiers whom the Black Watch had trained in eastern Europe. This allegation is consistent with a report by a west country hotelier who stated that, like many others within his industry, he had been offered a considerable sum of money by the government to house "migrants" throughout his entire hotel. On accepting the offer, he was then required to terminate all of his regular staff. New staff and security guards were provided.

       One night, a military officer arrived at the hotel and asked if he could bring a lorry to the rear entrance for a special delivery. The officer proceeded to unload a series of locked crates which were to be stored in a secure room. The hotelier was then handed a sealed envelope and told not to open it until he received a telephone call authorising him to do so. Uncomfortable with this situation, the hotelier eventually decided to open the letter. It contained a list of names of the "migrants" in his hotel and a corresponding serial number beside each name. The letter also contained a number of keys, with serial numbers which matched those marked upon the crates in his secure room. Opening the crates, he was astonished to find machine guns, ammunition and hand grenades. Believing that the British government intends to use these weapons on its own citizens, the hotelier removed the crates and hid them. Any other hoteliers reading this would be advised to do the same, because the weapons being stored in your premises will first be used on you.

       A still darker potential must also be addressed. We are engaged, above all, in a lethal spiritual battle. Ephesians 6:12 proclaims with finality, "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." The rulers of the darkness of this world have, as their primary goal, the enthronement of the antichrist. And their demonised, mind-controlled minions have revealed during exorcism and deliverance sessions that they plan to achieve this through what they term the "Black Awakening." In short, upon a single triggering cue, waves of demonic violence will be initiated across the globe in order to collapse western civilisation. The false saviour of the antichrist will then be ushered onto the world stage to rebuild society in his own image or, as his vacuous earthly puppets might put it, to "build back better."

       The Black Awakening was detailed by the deliverance minister, Russ Dizdar, in his book of the same title. While prominent conspiracy researchers such as David Icke seem to pride themselves on how far down the metaphysical rabbit hole they believe themselves to be, or complain via their widely accessible media and literary platforms about how censored they are, Russ Dizdar is dead. His wife is dead. His publishing company has disappeared. Second-hand copies of his book cost over £1,000 to obtain. There is a reason for this. Dizdar revealed the forbidden secrets of the demonised "super soldiers", but he also made clear that the truth of this world is biblical in nature. Satan is, indeed, the commander of the preternatural and terrestrial legions seeking to destroy humanity. But he will be defeated by Jesus Christ. Those who steer their audience away from the only genuine solution are allowed to continue with their work because they pose no real threat to the demonic agenda. The forces of darkness do not fear those who expose the layered details of their plans, those who essentially provide a running commentary as the world is dragged into hell. They fear only Jesus Christ and the Word of God. This fact has been confirmed by exorcists, deliverance ministers, demonologists, satanists, and high level adepts of black magic the world over.

       David Icke informs his followers that Jesus Christ never existed. He maintains that Christianity, like all other major religions, is simply a control mechanism created by malevolent extra-dimensional beings to enslave and divide the masses. Yet he cannot explain why those same beings, whether manifesting as demons, poltergeists, reptilians, greys, vampires, UFOs, incubi, succubi, or other horrors of the night, flee in terror when the name of this fictitious historical character they invented is called upon for salvation. The same fictitious historical character who exposed the plans for a totalitarian one world government, the plans for control of all buying and selling via the mark of the beast, 2,000 years before Icke was born.

       Should a demon-possessed maniac break into your home with intent to kill, you could respond by "opening your heart chakra", by tuning in to the plane of infinite consciousness so as to transcend the illusory negative situation of the incarnate self, by "not acquiescing", or by one of the other vague New Age panaceas which Icke has recommended. Alternatively, if you want to live, you might try commanding the assailant to be bound in the Name of Jesus Christ. Moreover, if one were to protect the home with medals of Benedict in the four corners and over the front door, with the prayer and anointing oil spiritual sealing method devised by Rebecca Brown and with the use of a YHWH protection circle, then the likelihood of any such intrusion will be greatly reduced.

       Returning to the demonic agenda, we may make another point. The blackmailed perverts, criminals, satanists, and secret society members who dominate the political classes know what they are doing. They know that they are lying to their citizens, although perhaps not that they are indentured to the Father of Lies. They know that there is a plan to exterminate a large percentage of the world's population and then enslave the remainder in an AI-regulated cyber prison. Yet they have chosen to facilitate the manifestation of this nightmare through cowardice and self-interest. They have calculated that very powerful global or even supernatural entities will achieve their objectives and therefore that it would be preferable to be part of the management class, rather than one of the slaves. Unfortunately (or perhaps not, depending on one's perspective), they have miscalculated. They have hitched their wagons to the greatest liar and deceiver of all time. Though they may have agreed to serve their roles in the creation of the New World Order, they are unaware that the demonic legions plan to double-cross them. Having sold out the human race (and thereby sold their souls to the fallen one), they will be killed.

Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

John 8:44

       We have seen, in recent months, episodes of sickening, mindless violence (in particular, against children) which have enraged and traumatised societies in equal measure. If Dizdar's warning about the Black Awakening is correct, we may assume these crimes to be the test deployments of demonised, mind-controlled operatives, in preparation for a later coordinated assault. And it would appear that the Illuminati have declared this intention with signs and symbols projected upon the world stage.

       Amongst the variety of blasphemies and satanic motifs which peppered the ceremonies at the Paris Olympics,  we may note the silver-white metallic horse and cowled rider galloping along the Seine. Many considered this incongruous spectacle to be an allusion to the pale horse of Revelation 6:8. In this context, we may add that the horse was commissioned by one of the major sponsors of the event, Sanofi - a pharmaceutical company which manufactures Covid vaccines.

       According to Russ Dizdar, the Black Awakening will be limited in duration. Its purpose is to create a sufficient degree of fear and social disorder that the masses will embrace the new governance and economic structures to be proposed by the antichrist. As to the identity of this individual, there is much speculation. Of the potential candidates already known to the world at large (and it may be none of these), one has featured in a number of reported dreams, visions and near-death experiences.

       In Luke 10:18, Jesus informs his disciples that he saw "Satan as lightning fall from heaven." The Hebrew word for "lightning" is transliterated as "barak". In Isaiah 14:14, Lucifer declares, "I will ascend above the heights of the clouds: I will be like the Most High". The Hebrew word used for "heights" is transliterated as "bamah". Thus, it has been argued that Luke had translated into Greek the Hebrew sentence "ra'ah Satan naphal 'aher baraq o bamah". Should this individual be elevated once again to a position of global authority, it would be advisable to consider every word which emanates from his mouth to be a lie.

       For a season, we must endure a barrage of lies and deceptions, the flourishing of evil and perversity, the inversion or destruction of all that is in harmony with God's design. Human populations will be forced to accept the spiritual realities of their existence, forced to make a choice between Darkness and Light. And then, the workers of iniquity will be "cut off", consigned to their everlasting reward in a lake of fire. As Andrew Bridgen put it at the close of one of his interviews, "I have read the final page. God wins." Nothing more need be said.

Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.

Ecclesiastes 12:13

© Marius D'Alexandre September, 2024

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