It would appear that the coordinated globalist factions are preparing to launch a new assault upon the human race. Coinciding with the pagan sabbats of Yule on the winter solstice and the High Grand Climax on Christmas Eve (during which the satanic covens typically offer human sacrifices to their master), populations around the world began to report the simultaneous appearances of a mysterious fog. Despite the significant variations in geological and meteorological conditions (and the absence of atmospheric gradients which typically produce fog), the phenomenon was observed in the UK, at least 27 states in the US, Canada, France, Spain, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, Finland, Pakistan, and India.
Citizens noted that the fog smelled of sulphur or burning tyres and then left them feeling unwell, with symptoms including headaches, skin rashes, sore throats, coughs, nausea, diarrhoea, vomiting, lung congestion, sudden fatigue, and insomnia. When illuminated by the beam of a powerful torch, the fog appeared to contain particulates of an uncertain material. Some researchers claimed that laboratory analysis of these particulates revealed the presence of barium, strontium, aluminium, and graphene (the latter possibly in the form of "white graphene"). Others have posited the mass spraying of nano-technology "smart dust" and/or "quantum dots" (semiconductor nanoparticles which, in certain applications, can be induced by light or chemical signals to induce cell death).
One source claims to have identified within a sample taken in Naples, Florida the presence of Serratia marcescens (a bacterium within the gram negative Yersiniaceae family). Curiously (or not), the scientific team behind the Oxford/AstraZeneca Covid vaccine recently issued a progress report on its development of a vaccine for bubonic plague, caused by a related Yersinia bacterium. In language with an eerily familiar ring, Dr Simon Clarke, associate professor of cellular microbiology at the University of Reading, stated that if plague were to be released through an act of bio-terrorism, "vaccination of the whole population would be the only way to grip such a situation quickly."
At this point, most informed analysts are clear that the fog was both synthetic and malefic. It remains to be determined whether the specific purpose is biological warfare, the progression of the AI-transhumanist agenda, or the preparation of our skies for mass holographic deceptions. In the context of potential biological warfare, we may add that the same fog was observed in China in early December, 2024. By the middle of the month, Chinese health authorities were reporting a dramatic outbreak of HMPV (human metapneumovirus) infections. At the time of writing, in early January, 2025, hospitals in the UK are reporting "critical incidents" as they are overwhelmed by cases of flu, norovirus, respiratory ailments, and "Covid".
But let us consider the puzzle from a spiritual perspective. Whatever technological or biological weaponry may have been deployed, the motive and originating consciousness is assuredly evil. The earthly strategists, scientists, drone operators, pilots, and military-intelligence-pharmaceutical complex personnel behind this operation are, themselves, subordinate to demonic overlords. Similarly, we must recognise that, to a far greater degree than most health researchers comprehend, human sickness is often mediated by a process of spiritual (demonic) transfer or attachment. The clairvoyant veterinarian, Are Thoresen, goes further, stating, "Demons are always involved in the development of disease, both in animals and in man."
With this in mind, we may make two pertinent observations. Firstly, the smell of sulphur and other unpleasant odours typically accompanies the manifestation of demonic entities within our dimensional plane. Secondly, preternatural mists and fogs have, throughout history, been associated with the outbreak of disease. The German historian, Johannes Nohl, studying contemporary accounts of the Black Death in the fourteenth century, was struck by the fact that moist, pestilential fogs were "a feature which preceded the epidemic throughout its whole course." The plague was said to have emerged in China in 1333, after a noxious mist had poisoned the air. Strange mists and sulphurous fogs were then reported throughout Europe as populations were decimated by bubonic, pneumonic and septicaemic variations of what modern researchers assume to be a Yersinia pestis infection. Nohl remarks that, "People were convinced that they could contract the disease from the stench, or even, as is sometimes described, actually see the plague coming through the streets as a pale fog." Similar fogs were also recorded before the cholera outbreaks in 1832 and 1848 in England.
Nohl's research was later incorporated into a more exotic thesis by William Bramley in his book, The Gods of Eden. Bramley set the Black Death within the context of malevolent extraterrestrial visitation, emphasising the numerous contemporary accounts of "comets" and other disturbing aerial phenomena which presaged the outbreak of disease. So too did he point out the intriguing reports of chthonic, black-cowled figures seen waving an instrument which resembled a scythe over the grain fields and within the towns. The plague would invariably strike at the time and place of these sightings. This, he believes, is the true origin of the grim reaper archetype.
What Bramley took to be evidence of extraterrestrial visitors engaging in biological warfare could, however, be interpreted as a record of heightened demonic activity. The agrarian populations of medieval Europe were not divorced from the natural world in the manner of their modern counterparts. They ate natural foods with minimal processing and no chemical additives or residues. They lived in synchrony with the rhythms and seasons of the earth. Without the violations of electricity, radio waves and EMFs, their subtle energy systems and therefore capacities for intuition and clairvoyance far exceeded those of modern humans. As a consequence, their belief in the existence of fairies, elves, gnomes, nature spirits, goblins, demons, and other astral foes was based not upon myth or ignorant superstition, but rather upon the direct observation of etheric reality.
In this context, it is interesting to note that the original purpose of church bells was exorcistic. As Father Chad Ripperger explains, "One function that the bells also serve is to drive out demons of the air or demons out of specific locations. This is why they were actually exorcised in the old rite... When the bells are rung the sound travels through the air which performs an exorcism-like function over the air, since the demons see the sound in the air and will want to flee it." Thus we might question whether it was only the shortage of raw materials for their munitions factories which impelled the Nazis to confiscate some 175,000 church bells during the Second World War. Or, indeed, whether the spurious "social distancing" rules were the real reason why church bells were silenced during the Covid "pandemic".
If a new pandemic has been seeded by means of technological or biological warfare, we may expect that outbreaks of disease or waves of apparent contagion will be triggered by microwave, millimetre wave or scalar wave signals transmitted from phone towers, mobile phones, smart meters, and wi-fi hubs, by Lilly wave harmonics transmitted through the mains electricity supply and/or by specific light frequencies emitted from LED street lights and computer screens. The hyperdimensional toxin added to domestic water supplies (as discussed in a previous article) will enhance the susceptibility of the masses not only to demonic or biochemical attack, but also to the tactics of mind control and deception employed by governments and the mainstream media.
Should this hypothesis prove to be correct, the following precautionary measures are recommended. Protect the home with Medals of Benedict. Apply Word of God stickers (or simply the Hebrew verse of Isaiah 54:17) to your main water supply inlet and electricity fusebox. Drink on a regular basis purified or distilled water which has been charged with the Word of God water stickers. The Word of God pendant may be worn to protect and harmonise both the physical and subtle energetic anatomy.
Glutathione boosters (such as L-glycine, L-glutamine, N-acetyl-cysteine), antioxidants, shilajit, edible clays, bath clays, spirulina, chlorella, barley grass, and natural micronised zeolite may be taken in order to assist the elimination of graphene and heavy metals. Personally, I would not use a zeolite product bearing any orientation of the symbol which, in occult circles, is known as the "witch's foot", "crow's foot" or "broken cross" and which can be used to summon demons. In its orientation to denote the rune of death, it was presented to the masses in the 1960s as the "peace symbol". To hinder the self-assembly and functioning of nano-technology, supplement with boron. To prevent or treat infection, the Thieves, Antidote No.49 and Lung tonics by Golden Age Remedies will be beneficial. So too will Dr Christopher's Super Garlic Immune formula and Respiratory Syrup. Fire cider and herbal teas rich in potassium chloride and other tissue salts will reduce the likelihood of mucus congestion.
Above all, strive to neutralise the vectors by which demons may readily inflict disease and misfortune. By way of emphasis, I will close with an instructive anecdote which concerns the Medal of Benedict. In 1865, two young brothers, Thiebaut and Joseph Burner, were subjected to a famous and well documented ordeal of demonic possession. Levitations, bodily transformations, telekinesis, the ability to converse in numerous unknown languages, the vomiting of sea froth, feathers and seaweed, the emission of horrendous odours, and the immediate detection of the presence of holy water and blessed objects were witnessed by many of the laity and clergy within their village of Illfurt, Alsace. And the possessing demons would often address those in attendance.
The local mayor of the village, Monsieur Tresch, was a frequent visitor to the boys' house and, it seems, a particular irritant to the demons. One of them informed him, "I have a bone to pick with you." Shortly thereafter, they began to target him directly. One of the mayor's cows broke its leg. Then two of his calves died. Then he fell down a staircase and broke his arm. At the time of the accident, one of the demons was laughing as he explained to the boys' visitors his latest success. In May, 1868, Monsieur Tresch purchased a pig. The next day, the formerly healthy animal lost all appetite and began to waste away. A veterinary surgeon was called, but was unable to diagnose any pathology. Approaching the problem from a different angle, the mayor then decided to place in the sty a Medal of Benedict. The animal immediately recovered. When Monsieur Tresch next visited the boys, the demon confessed, "I am not able to enter thy house any more. We are obliged to fly away over it. The FILTH [a term he used to describe all blessed and holy objects] prevents our entry." Abbe Suttor's original case notes later recorded that, "What the satanic spirit dreaded most was the blessed Medal of St. Benedict. For that reason, almost every parishioner of Illfurt endeavoured to obtain one and carry it on his person."
© Marius D'Alexandre, January, 2025
1 comment
A key way to neutralize the power of demons to inflict disease is to live a righteous life. Are Thoresen says that people have a hand in creating demons through wrong thinking and wrong action, and “They can then find a way into you.” Contrast that with those who follow Christ, as proclaimed in Mark 16:18: “If they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them.”