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It is clear to those with eyes to see that the forces of the New World Order seek to poison the food, air and water on our planet. For years, they have been introducing harmful genetically-modified products into our food supply, despite the widespread opposition and protests from consumers who do not wish to ingest them. More recently, as the globalists have taken quite blatant strides towards depopulation and technocratic fascism, rumours have begun to circulate (in some cases, with supporting evidence) of the deliberate contamination of our food and municipal water supplies with: graphene oxide; various chemicals to induce sterility, docility, gender confusion, hormone disruption, and insomnia; human remains; and even Nephilim DNA. The latter two ingredients, it is said, are intended to facilitate the spiritual degeneration and ruin of human populations, whilst making them more vulnerable to demonic interference. In these circumstances, we believe that it is wise to say a blessing over all food and drink before consumption. A short blessing for this purpose is suggested below.

With intent say out loud – I bless this food with the power of the Holy Spirit. In the name and by the authority of Jesus Christ, through the power of His blood and with the intercession of his angels, I bless this food to bring it to its highest state of frequency and purity for the healing, repair, regeneration, detoxification, and perfection of my mind, body and spirit. Amen.

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